Man, I seriously need to stop waiting so long betwIeen posts. I feel bad for neglecting this blog for so long!!
So, here is an update from me.
I am doing an internship through my school's baking and pastry program, at a local pie shop. I have been here since April 11th, and I absolutely love it!!
The owners/employees are very nice, and I get to do lots of baking, which is awesome!!
For this internship, I need to complete 240 hours, and once the hours are done, I will be graded on how I did. To do that, my internship advisor (one of the teachers at the school) will come in and talk to the owner about my work, and how they think I did.
I was told on several occasions that I am doing very well, so I am not worried about how this will go.
I am really going to miss this place when I am done, though. I have gotten so used to it, that it is going to be weird not working there anymore.
Once this internship is done (mid October at the latest; I have around 65 hours or so to go, until I finish), I will take the rest of the fall semester off (it has already begun at my school), and then take the last class in the spring.
The last class!! I can't believe I am so close to finishing, and graduating!!! It took sooo long to get to this point, which I didn't think would come so soon, but it is here, and is becoming very real.
I am thinking about taking a trip to New York, next July, once I am done with school, as a treat to myself for doing so well, and for finishing something I have wanted for so long.
I have a pretty good idea of what I want to do while there, and even where I want to stay (hotel/hostel/etc.-wise).
I just have to finish this certificate first, and then I can have some fun. This trip will definitely be worth it, and I really hope I can go on it!!